The following is a list of original side projects I have made public on Github. See this post for detailed information on this list is auto generated each time the site is built.
Ansible role for installing and configuring the Android SDK
A Ansible role for downloading and configuring Jetbrains Intellij IDEA
Ansible role for configuring PyCharm on a Linux machine
A public version of my private Nextcloud/Docker/Ansible setup
An opinionated Ansible role for installing Node Version Manager (nvm)
Demonstration of Ansible usage for Android Dev env setup
A simple replacement Firebase Dynamic links when redirecting users to app stores based on user agent.
A collection of bash scripts for communicating with Google's Play Developer API.
Dead simply Mastodon verification and redirection to actual domain. Based on
A logger based entirely on Timber's small, extensible API, providing utility on top of Java's Logger class
A small utility library for fetching and processing Open Graph information.
A small library that wraps Retrofit responses in result monads